By choosing AffiMEDIUM, you’re not just selecting a product; you’re becoming part of a vibrant and dynamic scientific community. Join us in our mission to drive scientific progress and innovation, contributing to groundbreaking research and discoveries in various fields. Together, we can make a meaningful impact and advance the frontiers of scientific knowledge.
AffiMEDIUM® Cells Complete Medium |
AffiMEDIUM® Culture Medium for Cells Lines |
AffiMEDIUM® DMEM Medium |
AffiMEDIUM® Dulbecco’s Medium |
AffiMEDIUM® Ham’s Medium |
AffiMEDIUM® HEPES Medium |
AffiMEDIUM® IMDM Medium |
AffiMEDIUM® Leibovitz’s Medium |
AffiMEDIUM® McCoy’s Medium |
AffiMEDIUM® MEM Medium |
AffiMEDIUM® Mycoplama Removal Medium |
AffiMEDIUM® Nanobacteria Removal Medium |
AffiMEDIUM® Other Medium |
AffiMEDIUM® Rabbit Complete Medium |
AffiMEDIUM® Rat Complete Medium |
AffiMEDIUM® RPMI Medium |
AffiMEDIUM® Trypsin Medium |
AffiMEDIUM® William’s E Medium |